10 Carpet Cleaning Facts You Need to Know
Are you getting your carpets cleaned for the first time but don't know what to e…
Getting Rid of Toxic Thirdhand Smoke
Need to get rid of third hand smoke? It can live in your carpets and furniture f…
The Terms Used to Describe Carpets and Rugs
The array of styles and designs for carpets and rugs is mindboggling, so we’ve p…
How to Remove Urine Odour from Carpet
As much as we love our pets, the urine stains they can leave behind can cause a…
How To Remove Beer From Carpet
Beer spills occur all the time, and whilst we often think we’ve dealt with the s…
You’ve just spilt red cordial on your carpet … What to do?
Spilt red cordial on your carpet? Remove the risk of permanent staining with the…
How to Halve The Running Cost of Your Air Conditioner
Many of us rely on our air conditioners to get us through the hot weather, which…
How To Remove Crayon from Your Carpet
Crayon is not only one of the most difficult stains to get out of carpet, but al…
How To Refresh Your Home With Grout Recolouring
Do your tiled floors feel old and grimy? Changing the colour of the grout in you…