Corn Carpet and Rhino Carpet - What Are They Talking About?
What is rhino carpet and corn carpet? This extra durable flooring is a great cho…
How to Make A Natural Moisturising Hand Sanitiser
Use the 5 ingredients to make a wonderfully scented natural, moisturising hand-s…
How to Make Your Own Carpet Cleaning Solution
Using the grime breaking properties of vinegar, this DIY carpet cleaning solutio…
5 Household Cleaning Supplies You Can Make Yourself
Sick of paying money for cleaning supplies that are full of chemicals? Simple ho…
Why You Should Never Clean Wood Floors with Vinegar
Why shouldn't you use vinegar to clean your wood floors? Vinegar is an acid so i…
A Sticky Situation: How to Get Glue Out of Carpet
I realized that it's high time we did an article on some simple ways to remove g…
Don't Believe The Hype on Wet Wipes
Love wet wipes? Wet wipes are not only bad for the environment, they can cause a…
Why The Dust Mite Menace Gets Worse in Winter
What are dust mites? They're creatures that feed on the skin cells we shed and c…