5 Old School Cleaning Tricks That Actually Work
Sometimes, old school is the right way to do things. Here are some tricks your p…
5 Amazing Uses for Coffee Grounds
Coffee has many uses (we don't just drink it!). It can also be used as an amazin…
4 Amazing Tips for Cleaning with White Vinegar
Mould in your bathroom? Dirty tiles and grout? Blocked drains and pipes? Click a…
4 Ways You’re Being Greenwashed by Cleaning Products
Greenwashing is when a company is claiming to do more to protect the environment…
7 Things You’re Forgetting to Spring Clean
A checklist of areas and rooms for spring cleaning
7 Dirty Little Secrets About The Carpet Cleaning Industry
We know a lot about the carpet cleaning industry, and it isn’t all good. These a…
Why You Should Never Use Bleach for Mould Removal
Normally when you see mould growing in your house the first thing you get is ble…
How To Make Your Own Laundry Stain Remover Spray
An old favourite to battle fabric stains is by using bleach. Your grandma’s, gra…