How to Naturally Remove Baby Vomit Stains

Published on Mar 12, 2019

how to remove baby vomit stains

My Saturday nights sure have changed since becoming a mum. This Saturday just gone was an all-nighter, but not because I was partying!

One sick kid meant a 2am vomit all over my poor husband – and the nursery carpet.

woman researching ways to treat baby vomit stains on internet

I went into panic mode. How to get rid of baby vomit and not leave a permanent stain and smell? Cue a mad Google search among paper towels, spew-stained pyjamas and a crying child.

Here’s what I found out.

These methods will work with run-of-the-mill vomit stains, you’ll just need to gently remove bigger clumps with a spatula (try not to press into the carpet fibres) before starting the processes below:


How to remove baby vomit stains from carpet

What you'll need

  • baking/bi-carb soda

  • dishwashing detergent

  • peppermint essential oil

  • white vinegar

  • old towels

  • sponge

  • warm water


Removing baby vomit stains using the wet method

cleaning baby vomit stain on carpet using dishwashing detergent

  1. Mix a couple of squirts of detergent with a tablespoon of vinegar and two cups of warm water. If there’s likely to be milk in the mess, make sure the water is warm not hot otherwise there could be a curdling situation.

  2. Use a sponge to press at the stain gently with the solution, being careful not to press too hard into the fibres. With a separate sponge, get rid of the solution by sponging it with cold water. You may need to repeat this process a couple of times.

  3. Fold an old towel over a couple of times and press it into the carpet to absorb any moisture from the carpet. Standing on the towel will do a great job of soaking it up.


Cleaning baby vomit stains from carpet using the dry method

cleaning baby vomit stains using baking soda

I discovered this second option during my research. Truth be told, I wish I would’ve seen this one in my moment of madness the other night – I probably would’ve used it instead.

Bi-Carb Soda is a fantastic product to have on hand for situations like this.

  1. Sprinkle baking soda generously across the stain

  2. Add a few drops of essential oil if you have it

  3. Cover it up with an old towel and let it sit overnight

My research tells me that the next day, when you lift the towel, the vomit will be nothing but clumps of powder that can be easily removed with just a vacuum. Best of all, Bi-Carb Soda has odour-neutralising properties, so it will remove that yucky stench as well.


What else can I do?

Regardless of which method you use, try to keep a fan on the spot and/or a window open as much as possible for a few days after to air out the stain and dry up any moisture.

If the smell or stain remains, it may be because the vomit has gone into the carpet underlay. It might be worth giving Electrodry a call – our teams have the expertise, products and knowledge to effectively treat most stains.

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