4 Tips for Keeping Carpet Clean During Colder Months

Published on Mar 21, 2017

how to keep carpets clean during winter

Before you know it, it's winter again. The cold, windy and wet weather coupled with the July school holidays mean a lot more time spent indoors and a lot more wear on your carpet.

During the winter months we see a lot more rain, dirt and debris entering our homes, and carpet can take a beating. One of the biggest misconceptions is that people think you can’t have your carpet cleaned in winter. Not so. Electrodry is able to clean all year round due to its unique 4-step dry cleaning process, which leaves carpets clean, soft and walk-on dry. It can be especially important to have clean carpet in winter, as carpet acts as an insulator for your home, as well as keeping your feet warm.

Here's four ways to keep your carpet clean during winter.


6 Tips for Keeping Carpets Clean During Winter


welcome floor mat

1. Invest in mats

Place good quality sturdy mats at all entries to absorb soil, moisture and any debris before it gets into the carpets. Ensure mats are kept clean so debris doesn’t end up throughout the home.


woman vacuuming carpet

2. Vacuum frequently

Frequent vacuuming is the best way to keep your carpets clean all year round. Vacuum at least once a week. When vacuuming, focus particularly on high traffic areas. If your vacuum uses a bag, when the bag becomes half full empty and keep going. When bags are full it lessens the efficiency of the vacuum and sends dusts into the air causing health problems. Using a good quality vacuum regularly on your carpets is important for prolonging the life of your carpet and maintaining its appearance. Regular cleaning helps to remove the dirt particles before they become embedded in the carpet pile.


Electro 3 spot and stain remover

3. Always have a spot cleaner handy

Have a spot cleaner at the ready if any marks or stains appear. It is important to treat spills or stains immediately. Electro 3 is a spot and stain removal product that the experts at Electrodry use, which can be used safely and effectively in your own home.


tidy front porch

4. Clean outside for a clean inside

Keeping the outside of your home clean and tidy is crucial. If your front step or porch area is covered in leaves or dirt, this can be tracked in by pets, guests or family members. Keep your entry ways as clean as possible to reduce the amount of dirt coming in.

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