12 Fresh Ways to Clean With Lemons

Published on May 6, 2022

clever ways to clean using lemons

Lemons are the epitome of freshness. It’s the reason why so many commercial cleaning products usually feature the yellow fruit in their products.

But lemons actually pack a powerful cleaning punch.

Here are 5 ways to use this fresh fruit to your cleaning advantage.


Why are lemons good for cleaning?

why are lemons effective cleaners

Lemons have a low pH, as well as antibacterial properties, making them one of the best natural cleaners.

They smell fantastic and are both inexpensive and safe.

Avoid using them on carpets, upholstery, timber floors and surfaces like granite or marble as over time, lemon juice may cause bleaching, wear down timber polish and etch stone.


12 Ways to Clean with Lemons


cleaning cheese grater with lemons

1. Cleaning a cheese grater

Getting gunk out of cheese graters can be a frustrating exercise. Not to mention that the sharp edges can be dangerous as well. Try this. Cut a lemon in half and rub it across the grater to get rid of any particles before giving it a good rinse with hot, soapy water. You may need to wipe the inside of the garter out as well.


cleaning microwave with lemons

2. Steam clean your microwave

In a bowl, mix 1/2 cup of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice and place in your microwave. Heat for a couple of minutes and let it sit in there for ten minutes. Be careful when you take it out as it could still be hot. Give it a wipe down inside and you’re done.


sanitise earings with lemon juice

3. Sanitise earrings

Did you know that you can sanitise silver jewellery? Apply a lemon and water mixture (1/2 cup of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice) to the jewellery and give it a light scrub before rinsing. This will help remove tarnish and make your jewellery shine. Don't use this tip on gold or your pearls.


repel ants with lemon juice

4. Keep insects out

This is a fantastic tip for the warmer months. You can prevent pests from entering your home by squeezing lemon juice along windowsills or doors. Spiders and ants are sensitive to smells and won’t like the lemon fragrance.


maske your dishwasher smell good with lemons

5. Deodorise your dishwasher

If your dishwasher is starting to smell a little funky, pop a cup of lemon juice on your bottom rack by itself and run a cycle. Your dishwasher will be sanitised and will smell amazing.


lemon for cleaning wooden cuttingboards

6. Clean up wooden chopping boards

Sprinkle some coarse salt onto the wood board, squeeze half a lemon onto the board and use the lemon to scrub, scrub, scrub. Give it a good rinse and voila!


Removing stains from plastic containers with lemon juice

7. Rescuing plastic containers

Stinky, stained food containers are history. Add the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of baking soda to the container and fill with water. Let it sit overnight and any stains should be gone.


lemon fridge deodoriser

8. Freshen up your fridge

This is such an easy yet effective tip. Pop half a lemon on a small plate in your fridge to keep odours away – so simple!


remove yellow stain from clothes witrh lemons

9. Brighten up your clothes

A mixture of lemon juice and water (1 tablespoon to a cup of water) can be used to bleach clothes or treat yellow stains that can occur due to sweating.

Soak cotton or polyester clothes for an hour or so then dry in the sunshine. Your clothes will look and smell fantastic.


polish bathroom fixtures with lemons

10. Make bathroom fixtures shine

Your silver bathroom fixtures could really benefit from lemons as well. All you need to do is rub the cut side of your lemon over fixtures to help get rid of mineral deposits.

Just make sure you rinse and wipe down thoroughly.



lemon juice window cleaner

11. Lemon juice cleans windows too!

Combine two tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of white vinegar in a spray bottle and swirl around. Add a cup or so of hot water to the mix, give it a little shake and you’re good to go!


lemon descaler

12. Descale your kettle

Lemon can make a really effective kettle cleaner as well. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a couple of cups of water in the kettle and boil away. You’ll need to pour the mixture out afterwards and give it a rinse out a couple of times so that your cups of tea don’t start tasting like lemons.


Tips for Cleaning with Lemons

  • If you need lemon juice for cleaning (not the rinds or peels), you don’t need to spend ages juicing them – plenty of stores stock pure lemon juice in bottles that you can use instead. Easy!

  • Lemon is great at cleaning, but it isn’t a disinfectant. Some jobs may require a stronger cleaning agent.

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